Long-term advantages of a short-term contract

HR 2

Like a garden trampoline caught in the grip of Hurricane Ophelia, the world of HR can spin upside down in a day and move faster than any other jobs sector.

When it’s not exciting, it’s downright hair-raising!

So how do you hop onto this thrill ride?

Well, if your dream has always been to reach the position of HR Director, you’ll already have begun making moves to kickstart your career.

And, even if you haven’t yet found a permanent foothold on the first rung of the ladder, the good news is you can use interim jobs in HR as stepping stones to your final destination.

Let’s find out more about the benefits of a landing a short-term role in HR.


Action stations!

When you’re hired as an interim HR assistant or advisor you’ll be parachuted straight onto the frontline of business. This means not only does your new company reap all the benefits of your talents almost immediately, but also you get to experience work without any preamble – and see an immediate impact from your involvement. That means job satisfaction from day one.


Variety is the spice

As an interim worker you can offer a company the perfect opportunity to access new skills they don’t already have inhouse. So you could quickly find yourself allocated a wide range of specific, short-term assignments that allow you to gain experience, hone your raw talents and see projects right through to their conclusion.


Gain gold stars

As an interim in HR you may find yourself working with several different companies over a period of months rather than years or even decades. Not only does this make it easy for you to keep up to date on current best practice standards, but you’ll also have the benefit of experiencing a range of work environments and dealing with different personalities. All of this will be invaluable on your CV when you do go for that permanent dream job.


Learn while you earn

Often an interim position will come with the opportunity to upskill. This could be simply in the form of learning from the actions and behaviour of your new colleagues to formal mentoring or professional development courses. What could be better than empowering yourself? Oh, yes, getting paid while it happens!

Posted on November 2, 2017